Storms and floods can distrupt pool water and equipment, affecting water quality and chemistry. Excess rain and debris may lead to cloudiness, high phosphate levels, and algae growth. Once it's safe to step outside, it's time to assess and restore your pool.
Check the filtration system
Inspect your pool equipment to ensure it's in working order. If the pump has been submerged or exposed to excess water, do not turn it on - consult a pool professional first.
Remove large debris
Clear out any branches, leaves, or other debris that may have washed into the pool. Then, determine whether a flocculant or clarifier is needed to help restore water clarity.
Begin the clean-up
Once the assessment is complete, you can start the recovery process and get your swimming pool back to Safe & Clear.
For Cloudy Pools
- Clean all baskets (pump and skimmer)
- Backwash the filter (this is also good way to remove excess water from the pool) or clean the cartridges
- Test and balance the pool water
- Add either Aqua Pure Water Clarifier or Pool Clean & Clear to gather small particles together so they can be trapped by the filter.
- Treat the pool water with a shock dose of chlorine using Aqua Pure Granular Chlorine & Conditioner, Pool Sanitiser 700, or Stabilised Sanitiser. This will help break down organic matter and eliminate bacteria and algae spores
- If using saltwater chlorinator, add Perox Safe & Clear to enhance sanitisation with Chlorine Dioxide
- Continue running the filtration system until waters clears
- Once the pool is clear, backwash the filter or clean the cartridges. We recommend using Aqua Pure Filter Cleaner & Aqua Pure Degreaser to remove unwanted contaminants caught in the filter medium
- Restest the pool water and make any necessary adjustments
Tip: After the pool clears, we recommend a phosphate treatment using Aqua Pure Phosphate Remover to eliminate excess phosphates from the water.
For Pools with Heavy Debris
- Do not use flocculant if you have a cartridge filter in use
- If the pool contains a high level of debris, floc treatment may be required
- Clean pump and slimmer baskets
- Remove any large debris that may have washed into the pool
- Use and Aqua Pure Flocculant, either Liquid Flocculant & Clarifier or Granular Flocculant & Clarifier. Increase pH when using flocculants and follow usage instruction carefully
- Once the treatment has been completed and the water has cleared:
- Carefully vacuum debris to waste
- Treat the pool with a shock dose of chlorine using Aqua Pure Granular Chlorine & Conditioner, Pool Sanitiser 700, or Stabilised Sanitiser to remove organic matter and kill bacteria and algae spores
- If using a saltwater chlorinator, add Perox Safe & Clear to increase sanitisation with Chlorine Dioxide
- After the pool clears, carry out a phosphate treatment using Aqua Pure Phosphate Remover to remove unwanted phosphates from the water
Important Notes
- Depending on the extent of flood damage, some treatments may need to be repeated, or the pool may need to be drained
- Most underground pools have a hydrostatic relief valve in the floor to allow groundwater to enter and relieve pressure. However, this valve may be faulty or unable to handle excessive pressure from groundwater. Consult an experienced technician before even considering draining your pool.